Running a childcare center is a relatively easy way to make money sitting at home but this job also involves high level of responsibility. It is very difficult to convince people to have trust in your childcare center. Very effective way to get work is to produce flyers to communicate about your services. Distribute these flyers in offices where you see majority of women staff, homes and nearby areas. Remember your flyer should be attractive enough containing concise but emphasized contents and creative design. You have to communicate information to people about your qualities that make you a good babysitter.
You can get your childcare flyer by designing it yourself or get it designed by some professional. Whatever way you select to make childcare flyer, you must know what information should be there on your selected flyer or those free flyer templates. Here is information about essentials of an effective babysitter/childcare flyer:
- · Remember concise but complete content is of greater importance. It will be effective to use bulleted points that are direct and easy to understand. Show clearly what you offer and some lines about why should choose for their childcare. Provide complete information about age limits of children, when you are available and how much you charge according to service hours.
- · Give your name in bold text and in larger font. Type complete address with contact details.
- · Make a very effective slogan by combination of simple but convincing words to appeal people with children to select your childcare center as best place for their children.
- · Provide list of any certificates, education, training, years of experience and achievements that relate to your childcare skills. Use effective words to demonstrate that you are mature and responsible person.
- · Mention information about co-staff with their qualifications if you are providing childcare services at large scale.
- · Testimonials provide authentic support for your flyer. Quote by some persons for whom you have provided your services as references will work in your favor.
- · Very important element of an effective flyer is its attractive design, placement of information and use of attractive photos.
- · You can make part of your information prominent by giving changed color, bold, italic or underline effect to text.
- · Accuracy is another very important necessity of a flyer for any purpose. All contents should be error free and grammatically correct.
Having all these essentials a flyer will meet all its objectives. You should view sample childcare flyers to generate design ideas and create a unique one.